
PASSAGE:Memories on the Pathways of Life


「阡陌」取自陶淵明《桃花源記》,每幅作品都承載著這片土地上不同阡陌小路間的故事,土地上每個角落都能成為一座桃花源。阡陌小路亦是指王曉萱取材時的實際行為 — 作為這片土地的過客,她喜歡走訪小路探險、觀察,如同武陵人般,無意地行經走訪,因緣際會的相遇無法強求,但記憶卻能十分深刻。




During the spring and summer, DMWY gallery is honored to present an individual exhibition by the artist Wang Xiao Xuan, showcasing her recent oil and watercolor paintings. The exhibition centers around the oil painting, "Passing Through," which serves as the main theme throughout the exhibition.

The term “Qianmo”(pathways), which originates from Tao Yuan-Ming’s “The Peach Blossom Spring," is the story of different paths and lanes in this land, and every corner of this land could become a utopia. Qianmo also refers to Wang Xiao Xuan’s actual behavior when gathering inspiration. As a passerby in this land, she enjoys exploring and observing the small roads and paths, similar to the people of Wuling who unconsciously passes through these roads. Serendipitous encounters cannot be forced, but memories can be deeply ingrained.

The concept of "Yuncai" (clouds) in the Eastern ink painting has influenced Wang Xiao Xuan’s work. Her aim is to bring the sense of air and flow into the Western medium of oil painting and watercolor. The fleeting moments between people, objects, and the environment cannot be replicated, and like clouds, they eventually disappear. However, their emergence enriches and sparks unexpected beauty among different lives, such as between birds and grass, the wind and rain, the sunlight and shadow, ladybirds and succulents, stones and soil, and so on. These moments are hazy, magnificent, and transient, and she hopes to deeply cherish these encounters in her heart.

In Wang Xiao Xuan’s works, each scene represents a corner of different paths and lanes. At the same time, it is also an invisible channel and impression of intertwined memories and emotions in the mind and heart. Some are fleeting like clouds, while others are radiant. Through her creative process, she presents the whispers of life's people and things, and viewers can understand and feel the beauty of each cloud on different paths.

"Xu Zhi Mo chose to leave quietly without taking away any clouds, while I choose to capture these clouds through my brush. What does the cloud look like in your memory? And how will you act?"


王曉萱 Wang, Xiao-Xuan
畢業於國立臺灣藝術大學 美術學系


2018 第33 屆聖壽盃繪畫比賽 社會組 第一名
2018 全人寫生比賽 社會組 第一名
2019 國立臺灣藝術大學美術學系師生美展 紙上作品類 入選
2019 全人寫生比賽 社會組 第二名
2019 彩筆畫媽祖水彩比賽 大專院校及社會組 第一名
2019 第24 屆臺中市大墩美展 水彩類 入選
2019 第34 屆聖壽盃繪畫比賽 社會組 第四名
2020 國立臺灣藝術大學美術學系師生美展 油畫類 第二名
2020 第25 屆臺中市大墩美展 水彩類 入選
2020 第38 屆桃源美展 水彩類 入選
2021 第22 屆磺溪美展 油畫水彩類 入選
2021 第20 屆全國百號油畫大展 入選
2022 國立臺灣藝術大學美術學系師生美展 油畫類 入選
2022 臺藝新人獎


2018 「戊戌之亂」臺灣藝術大學美術學系 快閃作品展,臺灣藝術大學美術系館,新北
2018「心靈之窗」作品聯展, 國立臺灣大學牙醫專業學院,台北
2019 第24屆大墩美展,大墩文化中心,臺中
2020 第25屆大墩美展,大墩文化中心,臺中
2020 第38屆桃源美展,桃園市政府文化局,桃園
2020 「此糸」油畫創作聯展,臺灣藝術大學國際展覽廳,新北
2021 第22屆磺溪美展,彰化縣立美術館,彰化
2021 第20屆全國百號油畫大展,清水港區藝術中心,臺中
2022 「空場」 臺灣藝術大學美術學院聯展 ,新北市藝文中心,新北
2022 臺中藝術博覽會,林酒店,臺中